24 March 2009

DPRK Missile Launch

First, let me apologize to my 2 or 3 faithful readers. I've been quite busy as of late, and will likely remain so for the following week. After which point the posting should become semi-regular once more.

As for the good stuff, North Korea will likely be testing its newest ICBM in the first week of April. They claim the launch is to put a communication's satellite into orbit, though the real goal is to test the rocket's ability to carry an object ( e.g.- a nuclear weapon) into orbit. If successful, which given North Korea's history of failed rocket tests is a big if, it supposedly has the capability of striking U.S. territory.

NK has stated that they would consider the shooting down of their missile an act of war, to which the U.S. responded to by placing Aegis Destroyers in the region capable of downing the missile. Japan is joining the fun by also placing Aegis destroyers equipped with missile killing missiles in the area.

For a neat, yet technical, rundown of the rocket's potential capabilities based on the splash down zones announced by NK, see this post over at ArmsControlWonk. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and wait for the fun to begin sometime between April 4th and 8th.


  1. Haha. No need to apologize. Although I do rely on your blog for my international news, I think I will be alright if you don't blog regularly.

  2. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2009/03/205_42041.html

    An article about Korea warship joining U.S. and Japan ships in area. Let's hope cooler heads - or wiser heads - prevail.
