11 March 2009

The Catholic church is wrong. Again.

I swear I'm not purposefully picking only on Catholics. I find all religions distasteful. Catholics just make it easier to pick on them.

Last week, a doctor in Brazil performed an abortion on a nine year old girl. The girl was pregnant with twins after being repeatedly raped by her step-father over the course of a three year period. Though abortion is normally outlawed in Brazil, exceptions are made in cases of rape. An Archbishop for Brazil promptly excommunicated the Catholic doctor, the nurses and staff who assisted with the abortion, and the girl's mother. The girl herself was spared because the Vatican does not excommunicate minors. Also missing from the list those banished from the church over the incident: The step-father who raped and impregnated the young girl.

Now, I could easily make some tasteless joke involving the child-raping step-father, scandal ridden Catholic clergy, a pot, a kettle, and someone not wanting to call someone else black, but I'll refrain.

I understand the church's stance on abortion. Trust me- I have several Catholic family members who have made it disturbingly clear just what the church has told them to think. Regardless of what a person believes regarding abortion though, surely it is wrong to punish the doctor but not the step-father. I'm sure some believers will argue that the step-father will receive his punishment in the afterlife. Well that's bull. I doubt that argument will give much solace to the young girl who has been raped since the age of six.

Intent matters. And from where I'm sitting, the church's official position is that it is alright to punish a doctor who in his heart wanted to help a girl out of an awful predicament, but that no punishment is needed for the man who had nothing but evil in his heart (assuming he even has one). Even if you think the doctor's act was a sin, his intentions were at least far better than the young-child-raping, still-able-to-attend-mass step-father.

Get it together Catholics and pull your collective head out of your fourth point of contact. No wonder the number of folks claiming to have no religion has doubled since 1990. Us heathens are on the march!


  1. Well, obviously this religion isn't going to help this sick pedophile rapist change his ways by condemning those who helped his victim and by condoning his twisted behavior. What a world we live in!

  2. Careful making broad comments about Catholics. Not all of them have their head in their "fourth point of contact." I would bet that most would agree the step-father should be held responsible. It is a frustrating situation.
